Spent a recent afternoon planting banana trees and thought you might enjoy seeing the process.

First, while helping plant trees this is what happens when a) I don’t wear sunglasses (squinting) and b) no sunscreen (yikes, I’m really red)

But all kidding aside….Chuck did most of the work, I took photos and got red, well I did carry two trees to the shamba for planting.  Which reminds me, in case you aren’t familiar with banana trees let me give you a bit of info.  I only know this because we now have banana trees, before the only thing I knew about bananas were how many I wanted from the grocery store!  Once a banana tree is planted it will sprout several shoots (I think they are called suckers) which grow into more banana trees.  Plus a banana tree will only produce one bunch of bananas and after that it’s simply a shade tree!

With that background info….up near the children’s home we had planted 4 banana trees and those have sprouted several suckers.  Those are what we replanted out in the shamba area.  I tell you that because that’s how far I had to carry two of them and they aren’t light!  Ok enough of my complaining!

One of our shamba workers dug holes for the trees to be planted, thank you Phillip!  Then manure has to be put into the holes…that’s where our photo detail begins.

Chuck shovels the poo (which we received from our neighbors cows) into buckets

then those buckets of poo are carried out to the trees

poo is then dumped into the holes

Chuck then mixes the poo with dirt and packs it around the transplanted banana tree

and more dirt is then put around the tree

finally the trees are watered

Now we pray for a wonderful, bountiful harvest!

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