I must seek your understanding for my silence over these past weeks. Some of you may have heard but for those who haven’t Chuck’s mom had a stroke at the beginning of September. That began a month long emotional roller coaster ride…she’s in the hospital, she’s in a rehab facility until finally she’s at home. Dad, Chuck and I are her primary care givers and we are now getting into a semi, new normal routine. Through it all we’ve leaned on the Lord, sometimes harder than other times, and He continues to give us strength and new mercies every morning!
I also wanted to send out a BIG thank you to everyone who continues to support this ministry even through my silence. You have trusted that even though you aren’t hearing about the great things God is doing through your donations you continue to donate and for that we are grateful and thank God for you.
Here’s a blog I began writing several weeks ago and just didn’t get it posted. Please know that God continues to do great things through your assistance–building houses, educating young people, feeding families, paying hospital bills and most importantly the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being told!
Do you ever need reminders? I know I do and “spiritual reminders” for me are sometimes like a kick in the gut.
Saved By God’s Grace has been assisting people in Kenya for over 10 years and while Chuck and I were living in Kenya it wasn’t hard to see the need all around us. I always felt my part of ministry was to present the needs, no matter how harsh, ugly or painful they may be. Because after all it is life for many of our brothers and sisters not only in Kenya but around the world.
Here’s a reminder for everyone who follows, donates and prays for this ministry. This is life for many in Kenya and as God continues to provide us with funds we will continue to reach out to those in need.
I’ll let our friend Ben tell you in his words about one young child:
I know times are tough but today I saw a sick baby and I literally cried. The baby is really sick (not HIV) still unknown and the mother and grandmother can’t afford to take the child to see a good doctor. Shared this so that we can pray for the poor little one.
This young boy was in terrible pain until Saved By God’s Grace and Ben took him to the hospital, now he can smile after two successful surgeries to rid him of his pain! Praise God!!

Please keep Saved By God’s Grace in your prayers and again, thank you for your prayerful and financial support.