Today I prepared a worship playlist on my iTunes for us before “church”. We listened to worship and praise for about 20 minutes then listened to Pastor Ray on the computer. It was so great to understand the message at last! Thank you Ryan for putting all that work into that form of media! I thank God for it and the message on distrust. Sorry Ray but we did pause you once in awhile to discuss the message! Then after our church service we walked to the school to play some music for the kids and talk for a bit. We don’t get a chance to do that very often during the week and with school starting Monday the time won’t be there again. After singing and dancing for a bit we had some interesting questions from the kids – why do we die? Is there a hell? How do you keep friendships? We talked with them and discussed these and more questions for about 45 minutes. These kids are insightful and ready to learn, it amazes me to see what a difference a little attention to their needs can do for them. That is what I pray to see at the other two orphanages. God is working in their lives, they just need the encouragement to press on and have their basic needs met. After our question and answer period we went out to play net ball, baseball, softball, Frisbee, football and rugby. The field was full of children laughing and playing. It was a great sight to see and I imagined God playing right beside them laughing with them.


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