Following is a portion of a letter from Torongo Girls High School we received via email from Eldama Ravine. It is in regards to a student, Lydia, who lives at Eldama Ravine Children’s Village and is in Form 2 (10th grade) at the school. (you can click on the letter for a larger image)

(Remember the dates are in day/month/year format)

As you can see they not only sent test results, which were on a separate letter – Lydia is ranked 4th out of 51 in her class! We are very proud of her effort. But the school is also encouraging parents, or Eldama Ravine Children’s Village house mom and dad in this case, to ensure they are assisting with family chores along with studying.

Then at the end of the letter they mention school fees. There is no free education in Kenya (although the government would like everyone to believe there is). They state that if school fees are not cleared before school begins the student will not be allowed into school.

Her fees for the semester are 5000 KSH which comes out to about $63 USD. And this is only one child out of the 371 we currently help at Eldama Ravine Children’s Village, Mercy Child Foundation and Nice View Academy/Orphanage.

Helping to pay for school fees is one area where Saved By God’s Grace is trying to help, but without funding we are not able to pay school fees, buy food, supply medical attention and many other everyday needs.

We ask that you prayerfully consider setting up a recurring monthly donation (one goal we have is to have 1000 people be monthly donors at $40/month). That would enable us to provide school fees, making sure water is available, medical treatment is given, uniforms are purchased, food is bought and stored, emergency situations could be handled in a timely manner, projects (like a new kitchen for Mercy Child Foundation) could be budgeted for and many other daily necessities could be met. You can set this up securely at our website.

Thank you for your consideration of supporting Saved By God’s Grace and in turn helping God’s children in Kenya.

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