Amazing sights you see as you drive across the states! This giant guitar was across the road from the Tennessee Welcome Center.
You see so much beauty that even in the car I can appreciate the awesomeness of God’s creation. The majestic mountains, deep forests and sparkling waters where we can enjoy them at any time. But we are also called to be good stewards of the resources He has given us. I think that’s one reason why the trash in Kenya is so upsetting.
We stopped in Hershey, PA (Tuesday) hoping for some free samples, but they don’t even have free tours anymore. You have to pay to get into the amusement park (Chocolate World) then you can go on the tour 🙁 So we just visited the gift shop at the museum and Tarrin bought a chocolate bar!

On our way to Tennessee we ran into this dragon. I thought it was appropriate since Harry Potter came out today-don’t know if there are any dragons in the movie but it made me think about it.
God has been showing Himself to us on this trip in so many different ways and places – the concrete jungle, busy sidewalks, quiet forests, small stores on main street and in the people we’ve met.
Our children in Kenya have been on our minds constantly and we are very thankful to all who invited us into their homes to stay and to those who set up presentations. God will continue to move people so Saved By God’s Grace can continue to feed/clothe/educate the kids in Kenya.