Yesterday Chuck and our son Mark picked up approximately 700 cases of water from the Phoenix Rescue Mission here in Arizona. It was a blessing to us and the people who are on the streets who will receive this water over the next couple of months.
I’m thankful to the organizations who donated the water to the Mission and to the Mission for then passing their abundance onto us who in turn will pass it on to the people on the streets of downtown Phoenix.
And it is a bold reminder of our friends and family in Kenya who have been experiencing drought for the past year. There is no Mission to go to for donated water and families are left to find water wherever they can. If they do find water then they have to have firewood or some other means of making fire to boil it in order to drink it. Otherwise there is a high probability of contracting typhoid.
God has provided and continues to provide water (through your support) for the three orphanages (Nice View, Mercy, Eldama Ravine). But we heard from Mercy Child Foundation that the well is low (they need rains) and the water is getting quite “dirty”. A couple of the kids have gotten sick (we did get them medical attention) and we emphasized that they boil the water before consuming any of it.
Next time you take a drink of water, please say a prayer for rains in Kenya. And if you feel led to help Saved By God’s Grace in continuing to provide food, water, etc. please join The Change Campaign. For those already supporting – thank you!