Looking back always tugs at my heart, but here are some of the families we visited during our trip to Kenya in 2008.

Ruth's family









This is Ruth’s family (Ruth is in the school uniform).  You can read more about our visit with them here.Our neighbors









These are our neighbors.  This was taken our first day back in Kenya (August 2008) and we were very happy to see the baby.  She was sick when we left (about three months earlier) and we didn’t know how she was until we visited her.   Praise God she was healthy!


Neema House










Neema House is a home for HIV/AIDS babies.  They have seen some miracles here and the kids are so cute toddling around.  You can read more about our visit with them here.

Visiting these and other families was such a blessing to us.  We were able to not only provide funds for medicine, food for the family, clothing for the students or toys for the youngsters but also tell them why we were there – God’s love.  He wants us to show & tell with them – show them God’s love through provision of basic needs (“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” Matthew 25:35a) and telling them of His saving grace (“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2b)

Thank you for your continued support and please tell your friends, family etc. about Saved By God’s Grace and please join us in praying for a wonderful rainy season.

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