Anthony Kimani (Child Number ER115) Anthony Kimani














Anthony was born in 1997 in the Makutano slums (you can see from the link Makutano is north of Eldama Ravine)

His parents passed away while he was young and has two siblings.  Anthony is the last born child. 

Anthony’s siblings are in the care of an uncle but in 2007 Anthony was brought to Eldama Ravine Children’s Village for assistance and education.  (caring not only for your own family, but other family members can become quite a financial burden so many times children are moved away from their family to somewhere/someone who can help them)

He is currently in Class 3 (3rd grade) and is a very intelligent boy. (many of the children work very hard at their studies knowing education is a way out of poverty for them)

Anthony is among several children who are ready for sponsorship.  To choose a child to sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship Gallery.

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