Shaddrach Koome (Child Number MC132)
Shaddrach was living with his father and mother, but after his mother died his father gave the local church permission to take Shaddrach to Mercy Child Foundation. (Usually we don’t get a reason for this, but many times the father is overwhelmed and unable or unwilling to continue caring for their son or daughter.)
He was born September 15, 1994 in Meru, Kenya and has two brothers and two sisters living elsewhere. (It’s not unusual for families to be split apart like this. The financial burden is too great for any one person to take in all the children so they send them to various places, like Mercy Child Foundation.)
His favorite color is black and he enjoys playing volleyball. (The children at Mercy use rolled up garbage for balls. We brought them soccer balls but those don’t last forever, unfortunately.)
Math is Shaddrach’s favorite subject because he says he “does it very well.” Kiswahili is his least favorite subject because he says he doesn’t understand it. (Kiswahili is one of the national languages (the other is English) but many of the children learn their tribal language first then in school learn Kiswahili and English.)
Shaddrach helps at the orphanage by fetching water, digging the shamba (garden) and being sent on errands. (Errands may include taking Anastacia’s phone to a neighbors for charging (Anastacia is the house mom at Mercy) since the orphanage has no electricity.)
When he is finished with his chores he likes studying. (This too is difficult with no electricity. They have one or two torches (flashlights) to use but only if they have batteries.)
Shaddrach is among several children who are ready for sponsorship. To choose a child to sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship Gallery.