Benjamin Kitonga (Child No. MC105)
Benjamin is an orphan who was living at home until a neighbor brought him to Mercy Child Foundation in Koma, Kenya. (in this case Benjamin was not able to take care of himself and the neighbor was concerned for his well-being)
His birthday is October 10, 1992 and was born Meru, Kenya.
Benjamin has three brothers and two sisters, none of whom live here with Benjamin. (this was a common story, families are split apart and live in different homes, even different villages)
His favorite color is black and he enjoys playing football (American soccer).
His favorite class is math because he’s good at it and his least favorite class is Social Studies, he says “it’s boring and hard”.
Benjamin helps mama (Anastacia, the house mom) with any duties she needs help with. (while we were in Kenya Chuck talked with Benjamin about being a young man and helping around the compound)
Benjamin is among several children who are ready for sponsorship. To choose a child to sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship Gallery.