Yesterday was a full day, not necessarily busy full, just full – actually with two things!  We met a dear friend, Charlotte, for coffee around 10 and didn’t leave until 2, but what a great conversation we had.  She’s been a missionary in Africa (including Kenya) for several years (she just returned a few months ago from being there 4 months) so understands completely our frustrations, hopes and dreams for our return.  She also gave us some good advice (discernment is important, especially when dealing with corruption) and insight (greetings in Kenya are VERY important, you would insult the person if you passed them in the market with just a quick hello!).

Not to sound selfish, but I’m glad Charlotte is in our life because not only will her experiences be a great sounding board for us but she is a great prayer warrior who loves the Lord and loves serving Him.  (Charlotte if you’re reading this maybe you can visit us one day in Tala!)

Once we came home we started cleaning out our shed and office.  We have approximately 20 bankers boxes for the shredder – including my tax return from 1979!  Sometimes I wonder how and why we accumulate so much stuff, but it sure felt refreshing to say good-bye to it all!

Today will be more cleaning and hopefully another suitcase packed.  I think I have 4 or 5 suitcases packed already – 1 personal, 1 books and 3 medical supplies with about 20 more to pack!  If you’re in the Phoenix area we could use more sturdy, zippered suitcases.

Today’s post is a chance to fill you in a bit on how packing/preparing for the move is going – slowly but with such a big move steps need to be taken daily so we aren’t overwhelmed a week before we leave!  It seems to be going that way but I also realize the importance of keeping in touch with friends, hence the coffee date today!

I’d also like to request prayer – that the Lord give us direction as to what our focus should be once we are “on the ground” in Kenya.  There are several plans and/or ideas we have in mind but want to seek the Lords will in those plans. 

Thanks and have a wonderful Tuesday!

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