I’m trying to do at least one thing each day to help with our move to Kenya (we leave May 4) which could include cleaning out a drawer or file cabinet, answering emails (actually unsubscribe to many emails so we aren’t charged for them in Kenya!) or clearing the space around my desk.  Monday was a bunch of little things including emails, phone calls and folding clothes.  Ok the folding clothes wasn’t a necessity for our move (yet) but I really enjoy folding clothes and it helps me relax!

I now have one suitcase packed with things I don’t necessarily use on a daily basis here but would like in Kenya – i.e. my hiking boots, portable first aid kit, scarves etc.  It may seem a bit early for packing but better to be on top of it and organized than to be caught with a bunch to do before we leave and May 4 will be here before we know it.

While we were in Kenya in 2008 I realized how much I can live without.  I don’t need all the trinkets sitting around the house or the drawers full of odds and ends, I can live simply so others can simply live (Mother Teresa).  Poems my children have written me go with me while knick-knacks stay or are going in a garage sale.

As each day passes and I do one more task towards our move the Lord is showing me what’s important and what’s just stuff.  I’m finding the list of what I think are important things gets smaller and smaller while the truly important things are made clearer – like putting down the organizing and having lunch with my daughter or joking with my son but when I come across something I think I should take with me I have to ask myself the hard question – “do I really need this to go with me?” and it’s those times I ask the Lord for discernment and help in deciding.  It’s an on-going lesson but God is patient with me!

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