So it begins…packing for our move to Kenya.  Here are a few of the suitcases tentatively packed – they need to be weighed (50 lbs) then re-situated so I get the maximum poundage per bag.  My friend, Valerie, came and helped me get this done and what a blessing that was, thank you!  Not only is she very good at jigsaw puzzles but it seemed the stress of packing all the donated items was less just because she was here to take some of the burden. 

Then it’s on to our personal luggage, same scenario: pack, weigh, reorganize.  Valerie if you’re reading this I hope to see you for this step in the process too!  We are allowed 26 bags total (again 50 lbs each) and just a rough estimate on my part it looks like possibly 6-7 bags for our personal items, 3 for Project Cure (medical supplies) packages being donated and the rest for donated items. If you’d like to help with the cost of transporting these items ($145 per bag) to Kenya please click here to donate online – thank you. 

After everything is packed and finalized I make numbered luggage tags for each bag along with individual lists of each bag’s contents.  That list will then be placed inside each bag, (possibly) taped to the outside and a complete list for my master copy and a copy for the airlines – whew!

Glad we are starting now because it gives us a chance to organize and reorganize, plus the packing process has given me a chance to really look at what I need compared to what I want to take with me and believe me it hasn’t been easy.  I am praying it’s like the loaves and fishes – space will be just the right amount for the items we are packing!

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