Last year we had a young boy come into the office at the Academy requesting help to attend secondary school (high school).  He, Dickson, had received good marks on his final exam in 2009 from Class 8 (360 out of 500) and had been invited to a secondary school to begin his education in Form 1 (9th grade) in January 2010.  But due to financial difficulties in his family he was unable to begin school.  He is in a family with only his father (his mother died several years ago) and 8 siblings.  Dickson would be the first of his family to go on to secondary education.

After prayer and discussion it was decided to help Dickson receive his education.  He is excited about going to school and we are excited to see his excitement 🙂  As scores come in during the term I will update you on his, and the others, progress.

It was also the beginning of the school year here at Nice View and the first assembly went well with teachers emphasizing the rules and what is expected from the students.

Please pray for the students, both in primary and secondary.

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