Reverend Lewis Wachira

and our new guest blogger from time to time.  And today is that time!


It is important for each of us to know the season we are operating in, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV) and to understand God does things in an orderly way, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”  (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and if we miss the opportunity in that season to be in and do God’s will we risk regretting the missed chance.


As we walk through the seasons of our life we must realize that partnerships can also change.  In 1 Kings 2 David knew the effects of the partnerships he had in his lifetime and he advised his son, Solomon, to deal with three people (Joab, Adonijah and Shimei) in order for the kingdom to be stable.

It is important to partner with people who can help guide and give us wisdom, scripturally, as we walk through each season.  Proverbs 13:20 tells us “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.

  • Great men who experienced terrible failures were because they trusted the wrong company
  • When you are in the company of wrong people there is the possibility and temptation of doing the wrong thing
  • Discern the season and change partnerships when necessary and with God’s guidance
  • Some people are still holding on to things which are of the old season and have expired


Change usually creates fear of the unknown and may demand losing something you love most.  Therefore it takes Godly wisdom, scripture knowledge, wise partnerships, positive thinking and acting by faith to reach some level of greatness.  Crisis, tough situations and/or discouragements may be a sign change is coming and change seems difficult in the beginning.  A person of faith however relies on God’s promises and sees success at the end, never running away but facing the trials positively and surrendering to the will of God.

When one has reached a point of not seeing any hope, nowhere to turn, being at zero then God can begin to work.  Zero is a point of greatness because it is at that point when we allow God to take over.  Maybe you are at zero with no hope for the future, if so; it may be the sign which God is ushering you into a new season.


Many people who don’t realize their season has ended or resist the change of season, end up in shame and those who are not willing to accept change and move into another season lose their anointing and favor and become a loud noise, just as it is said of Pharaoh in Jeremiah 46:17 “Pharaoh, king of Egypt, is but a noise. He has passed by the appointed time!’

  • Those people who resist change suffer loss and humiliation
  • Pharaoh lost many of his people, horses and chariots for resisting Moses and the Israelites to leave Egypt
  • Saul died in shame for resisting David
  • Herod ended up in shame for resisting the birth of Jesus


I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all
”  Ecclesiastes 9:11

God gives every person opportunity to move into a new season (“time and chance happen to them all”) and it is not the will of God to be stagnant or stay in a place for long.  When an opportunity is not utilized it dies and can never be recovered.  That is why we take risks when an opportunity arises to do God’s will and purpose in our life.

Most people who succeed in life utilized the rare opportunity which God gave them and risk is part of God’s plan.

  • David’s risk was in facing Goliath
  • Jonathan and his arm bearer risked entering the Philistine camp
  • The four men with leprosy risked entering the Assyrian camp

Is it worth the risk to do God’s will…these men thought it was.

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