I feel I have a lot I could write about but right now I just don’t feel like it….but I guess we do things at times that we just don’t feel like doing. It seems to me that during those times of “doing it without feeling it” show our true obedience to the One who has called us to serve.
There are days when my selfish nature kicks into high gear and those are the days I really need to focus on Christ, not the people, not the ministry but only Christ. Jesus didn’t feel like dying on the cross yet He chose to (“My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” Matthew 26:42) or knowing some of the very same people He healed would later be yelling “crucify Him”.
These are just a couple of reminders to me to keep asking God for His will be done not mine and to keep my eye only on Christ.