It was a fantastic week with our friends, Bobbie and Rod 🙂  Today I thought I’d get back to my blogging but as I was going through the hundred’s of pictures trying to figure out which ones to post AND baking oatmeal/raisin cookies the electricity has gone out.  We were quite lucky while Bobbie and Rod were here in that it only went out once and that was when we arrived back home from picking them up at the airport…so no biggie we were heading to bed anyway.

Seems we are being thrown right back into the “yes electricity, no electricity” phase.  When Bobbie and Rod left Sunday morning at 5am the electricity went off around 6am and was off until 6pm that night.  Then today it turned off around 2 and I am furiously writing this blog post because I’m on battery power!

There was so much that happened while they were here that you will probably be getting it in bits and pieces so I can give you a bit of information to go along with the pictures.  However, let me just say what a blessing it was to have them both here.  Team 1 and Team 2 worked together very well and I pray God allows us to come together again in the near future.

Thanks again everyone for being patient with me as I get back into things…be it ever so slowly with all the photos to go through, how to describe what has occurred during their week here and electricity issues!

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