The other day I was emailing a friend on a particularly frustrating day, and it was only a few hours into the day!  As I was spewing out my frustrations I was about to write “How can I love those who take advantage, cheat and lie?  Those who seem to only want my friendship because I can “give” them something?”  But as those words began forming in my mind and my fingers were poised to start typing a thought was put in my mind instantly.  God was telling me “I loved those who KILLED me, how much more can you love those around you?”

I am certainly not the most lovable person and yet God hangs in there with me and loves me.  He asks that I love those around me, you know, love your neighbor as yourself kind of thing?  Some days are easier than others and I know God spoke through some friends who wrote to encourage me…it helped and thank you.  My Father loves me and those who take advantage, cheat, lie, etc. and I am praying it’s His love that comes through because some days I’m just not feelin’ the love.

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