Decided to take this opportunity to get a blog post out…at least while the visitors are still here!  We are at Nice View Academy today and part of the group is entertaining the kids (except poor Class 7 & 8, taking exams) and the rest of the group (nurses) are organizing the store room with all the medical supplies and school supplies they brought with them.  It is truly a blessing to have them here willing to get dirty (it’s very, very dry and dusty here) and to entertain the kids with games, songs and lessons.

Ok it’s been the entire day and I didn’t get to the blog…today perhaps!?

Tarrin paints the bunkhouse with a welcoming sign...and more inside.

Faith Celebration Ministries begins the day on Monday with the entire school!

Robin has her hands full but everyone got crayons!

Mike has a coloring partner!

Tarrin teaches the girls paddy-cake

During break it was photo time

Danni is introduced to her sponsor daughter

Krystylle teaches some dance moves!

Tameira, Josephat and Chuck have an impromptu drum session!

Mike and Julie get some great bargains at Masai Market

The group gets a tour of the property and vision for it

Thanks group for praying over the land.

Rhonda, Lori, Beverly and Jocelyn (the visiting nurses) meet the daktari and prepare for the clinic

The nurses organize all the supplies they brought and also organized the medical store for ease of use!

Rhonda and the daktari check out the microscopes which were dontated by the group.

Tea time is a time to relax and regroup

Jocelyn and Rhonda help organize the was sooo dusty!

The medical clinic started with 8 kids and ended on the second day with over 50 kids! Thanks Lori, Beverly, Jocelyn and Rhonda for ALL your help!

During the medical clinic Ben (and other team members) teach the kids the Cupid Shuffle and some other dance which I am so out it I have no idea what they are! The kids, however, had a great time.

Well that brings you up to today (Friday) and as I write this the group is out with the Class 7 & 8 (who missed yesterday due to exams) singing I Am a Friend of God and the nurses are continuing their medical clinic.  They are having a great time and I think I can speak for both the kids and the group!  Thank you group for your sacrifice of your time and talents and thank you Father for this opportunity and blessing upon the people who were touched by their presence.



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