They have hit a stone which they call “tobacco” since it is very, very dark in color. Ken, the guy digging the well, says that may go another 15 feet before they hit water…but it’s getting closer! Update: as of today they have hit “wet stone” meaning water is oh so near!
Which brings me to the point of this post. There is a need for a water tank, water tank stand, pump and pipes. Funding for digging is there but for the other items we are at a stand still.
Here are some of the costs for getting the water situation handled at C4KK Children’s Shelter:
15,000 liter tank – $1300
Tank stand – $3200 – this tank stand will be made of metal, hold the 15,000 liter tank (very heavy) and will be 20 feet high.
Pump and necessary pipes – $2000
In addition to this there will be piping the water from the tank to the shelter and that cost is unknown at this time.
A non-water related need is glass for the windows at C4KK Children’s Shelter which is estimated at $100. Maybe this could be water related…no glass means rain coming in 🙂
If you would like to help with any of the above, or simply donate to C4KK Children’s Shelter please visit our donate page where you can donate online. It’s easy, secure and tax deductible in the US! We continue to move at the speed of God…sometimes fast as lightening and other times slow as molasses, at least from our perspective. But I know that Gods timing is perfect timing however fast/slow we see it!