Woke up this morning angry.  Here’s the deal:

The curtain lady (Susan) brought the individual pieces for us to look at (brackets, pole, etc.) and negotiate the price.  We had a small disagreement on the price but worked it out.  That was on Monday, today I woke up and realized the brackets she showed us would have to be removed from the wall in order to remove the curtains for washing…and that can’t happen because once we take the bracket off the wall it can’t be put in the same position.  I was sooo upset with myself for not thinking about that at the time and (this is where I tried to place the blame on someone else) I thought “I told Susan what we wanted, she’s the ‘professional’ and should have thought through the details to make sure we got what we wanted.”

I tried every which way to place the blame elsewhere, but it always fell back on me.  Which made me even more upset and kicking myself for not thinking this through.  Not really sure why I’m even telling you all this either, to get it off my chest I guess.  We’re working through it (Chuck is at C4KK today and will discuss it with Ann).  I know it will work out but getting over the anger at myself is another matter altogether.  I feel bad too for creating this situation and now Chuck has to deal with it, like he doesn’t already have enough to deal with.

Yea, I know there is nothing to be done about the past but to learn from it and move forward….Lord help me to do that.

UPDATE:  Chuck called and Ann found out how to remove the curtains without removing the bracket from the wall…thanks God for working out that minor detail.  Guess I can move along to the next situation that will certainly come up and learn how to handle my anger!



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