You’ve read here before about Caring For Kenya’s Kids (C4KK) and C4KK Children’s Shelter. Helping to supply basic needs for orphaned children, widows and employing workers so they in turn can afford their families needs. Today I’m going to show you another aspect of C4KK’s ministry. We work with a friend, Ben, a local Kenyan and Executive Director of My Brother’s Keeper, who works with HIV/AIDS victims and those living in the slums. We help support Ben on a case by case basis in which Chuck gets more detail on the situation, prays about it, asks God’s guidance and then proceeds with support if called to do so. Here are a few stories of recent situations C4KK has supported. Photos and captions are Ben’s:

This family had no water to use because there money to buy the precious commodity. I bought them soap and enough water to cook with, drink, wash their clothes and utensils, and most importantly to bathe with. Water is life.

The widow could not believe her eyes. She later told me she never even dreamt of getting good things like the items and food we brought her.

Today during our daily home visits i came across this woman and her baby. She is floorridden, pregnant (5 months), hiv+, has TB, vomiting, with a relentless diarrhea. She told me she had not eaten for many days.
Ben’s team cleaned the one-room home, cleaned mother and child, prepared food for them and the doctor came to check on her. They brought the love of Christ directly into this mom and baby’s life. “She was so hungry and desperately ill even to talk. She murmered something like petronilla or something as her name. Today i get to go bathe them, clean the house and buy them anti diarhea and anti vomit medicines.”
There is no handshake or pat on the back which can reward Ben this side of Heaven for his love, care and concern for the “least of these” but you can help Ben continue this work by donating at our secure donation site, marking “other” in the Allocation drop-down box and writing “Ben” in the comment section. Those donations will be used on a case by case basis for helping these precious children of God.
Chuck will keep you informed on the cases which are supported by reposting Ben’s updates through Facebook. Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration in helping bring the love of Christ to so many.