Work continues on the animal shelter

Such a dedicated work team….look at the progress!

Mrs. Herhuth’s students from MHS donated funds to purchase three bikes for the kids!  Most of the girls had never ridden a bike but they sure had fun the rest of the day learning!  Not only can they have fun on the bikes but it will make going to the market a bit easier and faster too…thank you students for this wonderful gift!

Three bikes…yeah!

The team had t-shirt painting in the afternoon and we have quite a few beautiful artists!

Can’t wait to see them on the kids!

A volleyball net (brought by the group) was hung and I was told they are pretty good players!

Even in the hot sun they continued playing.

And Brady and George took a look at the truck…with a few helpers of course!

Brakes were looked at and adjusted, next (George has big plans) may be a front end alignment!

Love the team being here but I’m already getting sad they are going to leave, I know this is a special time and life must get back to normal.  A member of the team said ‘it’s like you have a job (the ministry) with no vacation days’.  My life, my  ministry, my job are all wrapped up into one and with God’s strength I will continue on.  I have had, and will continue to have, frustrating moments with “life” here in Kenya but God has blessed me with these new friends.  May His glory be shown to everyone involved, here and across the ocean!

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