Thought I’d start you off with my morning view…

My morning sunshine 🙂

Today was a full day but first let me give you an update.  If you weren’t able to read yesterdays blog post you can go here to catch up.  The update is….Frank, the boy who was hurt, has several stitches (both internal and external) on the back of his head.  His right arm is pretty sore but overall he is feeling ok, although in pain.  Maybe tomorrow after the bandages are removed I can get a picture.  Thank you for the prayers!

The kids had tutoring in the morning and have gotten a lot out of it, praise God!  We asked the teachers if they’d like to come on Saturday’s for tutoring and also during school breaks (yes they would).  

Then after lunch we had a short discussion with the kids.  We had a discussion a few days ago about personal property…if it isn’t yours don’t pick it up, use it, take it, etc.  Thought the message got through until I came in this morning to find someone had written on my white board with a permanent marker!  Yea I was a bit upset and talked with the kid who did it but I had another talk on personal property once again.

We also had August birthday celebration today….I handed out some treats which were sent to us (thank you Ruth), showed them Ruth’s photo so they knew who sent the treats and each birthday kid got to choose a gift from the “Treasure Box” (thank you group for the bins to allow this to be!).

From left – Erastus, Scholar, Doris and Moses

To end the day we had a board meeting….now trying to tie up  loose ends on this blog post and post it then head home for pizza night (praying electricity is on)!

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