Things have been quite busy around here but no complaints.  It has been wonderful catching up with friends and family and we look forward to more of the same over the next couple of weeks!

Sorry I haven’t been posting as much but here are a few updates from C4KK:

The kids have been home and returned to school from their mid-term break.  Seems it went smoothly and, thank God, not much of their stuff was stolen during the first part of Term 3!  We normally have quite a few items to replace because of theft but this time it was only 2 pair of pants (we had other stuff to replace but not due to theft this time).

Bosco continues doing a wonderful job managing C4KK but he can always use your prayers!  He has been getting a few projects under way in the shamba (farm) area and is finding out just how difficult it is to manage a children’s home!  But by God’s grace he is tackling the task and coming through with flying colors….we are very thankful for his work and commitment!

And I am getting in a lot of cuddle time with Mojo (Tarrin’s dog)…he doesn’t let me sit on the computer for long before “asking” to come up!


I know I was given a few phone numbers last Sunday at church and I’m sorry if I haven’t gotten in touch with you yet….I’m working on it and hoping to see you soon!

Praying you all have a blessed day and rest of your week!

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