So sorry for the delay in posting.  I have been attempting to get a new website up and running before heading back to Kenya (a BIG thank you to Dave for helping me straighten out the “issues” I always seem to have!).  Seems it may be ready for viewing…but please let me know if something doesn’t work or does not seem quite right.  I have proofed it but that doesn’t mean I found all the mistakes.  Plus I will continue tweaking the layout, so your patience is appreciated.

Our fundraiser for the upper floor of the Mission Home continues with a matching donation up to $12,000!  If you are thinking of donating to this project now would be a good time…donations are matched until November 30!  For more info click on the photo below.


We continue being busy with friends and family.  Someone asked if it is tiring with all the appointments.  Honestly it isn’t.  It’s more refreshing than tiring gathering with friends and family.  We do not have this opportunity to simply sit and chat with friends/family so being able to do so has certainly been a blessing…thank you to everyone who continues to refresh us with your company.

Our timing is running short however here in Phoenix and that does make me sad.  I know God wants us to return to Kenya and I am trusting Him to get me through the transition.  The plan is to leave Phoenix on November 13, head to Houston, TX to visit Tarrin then on to Michigan for a couple weeks, leaving the States on December 7.

Things at C4KK seem to be going along as smoothly as we can hope.  Peter, our social worker, is working with the kids’ guardians so they can visit their home villages in December (the kids and guardians really enjoyed this last year) and Bosco continues to handle his responsibilities with great care and concern, being in almost daily contact with Chuck via email.

Health issues continue to be worked on and your prayers for wisdom and direction is much appreciated.  Thank you for your prayers, invitations to coffee/meals and basically loving on us!  We will certainly miss the fellowship.

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