One week from today we will be on a plane to Kenya and you know what I’ve seen recently?  This may not be a surprise to you but there are a lot of commercials pushing us to buy, telling us we are lacking, guilting us into purchasing, blinding us to the true season and opening wide the gate to destruction (Matthew 7:13-15).

We’ve turned this season of love into a madhouse of humanity.  Shootings on black Friday?  Violence in the stores?  Over what, money!?  Believe me I’ve been led down that path a few times myself and I beg you not to follow those footsteps. I looked for satisfaction and joy in the buying, it filled a (perceived) need, it made me feel complete, loved…for the moment, until that next commercial came on telling me I’m missing out or if I really loved someone I’d buy them  ______ (you fill in the blank!)

Honestly the past few Christmases have been bittersweet….being away from family and friends during the holidays is not my idea of the most wonderful time of the year but it sure was nice being able to completely focus on what the season was about, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Also we live in the village so no Christmas tree, no lights, no festive music, no mad rush to the local kiosk for gifts but guess what?  Those things aren’t needed to celebrate!  Hallelujah and amen for people not even knowing what “black Friday” is!

Jesus, however, tells us we can be satisfied, we can be in the world but not of it, our sense of completeness can be found….

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”  John 4:10-entire chapter is a good read too 🙂

You see how simple it is?  You ask Him and He will give you living water.

My friends please do not be pulled into this false sense of joy.  Let Jesus be your focus…love God and love your neighbor, that’s having a joyous holiday!

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