First, I’m so excited and hope I don’t jinx it but we have internet right at this very moment so I’m busy uploading video and pictures!  Since Thursday we’ve had terrible internet (it will connect for a moment or two then turn off and when it is connected it is very slow).  I’ve been calling customer service since Friday but have yet to speak to an actual person.  Lord I know it’s a petty thing to pray for but internet connection would be nice 🙂

So anyway, while I have you here I thought I’d introduce you to something new we are starting here on the blog…..Mission Moment.  Mission Moment will be a short video clip (no more than 1 minute) describing various happenings on the C4KK compound.  I actually have to thank our Saved By God’s Grace Board of Directors for the push to do this.  They will be using these short video clips to raise awareness for Saved By God’s Grace and Caring for Kenya’s Kids.

Please feel free to share our videos with friends, churches, Bible studies, etc.  Plus you can find more videos by clicking the “youtube” button in the sidebar of “Our Blog” page

Please, please someone let me know if this video is clear….I’m not sure if it’s my upload settings or simply my internet connection, so your input is greatly appreciated (and any setting suggestions you can give me).  Thanks!

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