It’s always nice when I can report a successful trip into Nairobi.  Yesterday we decided to head into Nairobi to check on the status of Chuck’s permit.  We had the official letter stating he was renewed for another three year permit but had yet to receive the actual permit.  After receiving the letter and paying for the permit (several weeks back) we were told to come back in a week to pick up the permit.  We did but it wasn’t there and they told us to come back in another week.  We asked for a phone number to call since it’s not an easy task getting to Nairobi, nor is it cheap.  They don’t have land lines (imagine a government office with no land line to call!) so there was no phone number to call to check on the status.  Someone we knew told us they would check the status and let us know….we waited for a couple weeks with no phone call so we decided to go back in yesterday to check.  Praise God it was there!

With that in hand Chuck then put in the application for my dependent pass.  That should go ok since he has his permit, but prayers appreciated!  Then he applied for his resident card.  During the waiting process a guy came up to us and asked if we’d ever met.  Chuck said he thought they’d met and after exchanging names and discussing history in Kenya they finally came up with having met at a Nairobi guest house several years earlier!  Small world!

Once that whole procedure was complete (we still have to go back to Nairobi at some point to pick up my permit, get Chuck’s resident card and then apply for my resident card then back in approximately 6 weeks or so to pick up my card…so the procedure is definitely NOT complete) Chuck got a call from Bosco asking us to pick up some silage bags for the cow feed.  These are like large, thick garbage bags in which the chopped up napier and molasses is mixed and stored to feed the cow.  So we decided to hit the local supermarket for some supplies first (those we can’t get at our nearest supermarket) then head into town for the bags.


While at the store getting the bags we also picked up four milking buckets….preparations are still happening for the grade cows!

Thank you all for the prayers on Chuck’s permit and we ask for continued prayers for the rest of the process.  Plus we’ll be sure to keep you updated on when the cows come home!

Remember our matching program is still on!  Please visit our post for information about and how to donate to this program.  Thanks for your prayerful consideration and as always we thank God for your assistance to this ministry and our kids here in Kenya!


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