Saved By God’s Grace has been selected as the recipient of a bike-a-thon fundraiser! A gentleman in Midland, MI bikes every summer for various ministries and this year he has picked Saved By God’s Grace. Larry will be riding specifically for computers for the study hall.
His goal is to bike 2500 miles during the nice weather months (maybe April-October…you never know in Michigan!). He will be looking for pledges for his ride, either a one time pledge or a per mile pledge. We have an email set up where you can write and tell us your pledge and throughout the ride you will be informed as to his progress. Once the ride is done the total miles will be presented to the donors and each contributor can then fulfill their pledge at our secure, online donation site.
If you are interested in pledging towards this bike-a-thon please email us at and tell us your name and amount you would like to pledge.
What a blessing to have people from around the globe helping our kids here in Kenya. The idea of having computers on-site for the kids to learn on is certainly a provision God is working out through His people. Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration of pledging to this bike-a-thon. Thanks Larry and happy riding!
Progress as of May 26…….800 miles!