Today I’d like to introduce you to Edward Mutethia.  We have 2 Edwards so this Edward is considered “little” Edward, although he’s almost as tall as me 🙂  When Edward first came to us he was quiet, didn’t smile and couldn’t speak English or Swahili (that was only 2 short years ago)

and these are the few items he was brought with

These are the meager belongings Edward came with:  5 shirts, the clothes on his back (all of which were very dirty) and a pair of scandals.

5 shirts, the clothes on his back (all of which were very dirty) and a pair of scandals.

Now Edward laughs, plays, smiles, attends school, has a healthy appetite, is healthy and speaks both English and Swahili.  He is a joy to have as part of C4KK’s family.

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Saved By God's Grace
These are the meager belongings Edward came with:  5 shirts, the clothes on his back (all of which were very dirty) and a pair of scandals.