As you know life continues on in the midst of even special events.  Recently we had a group from Michigan visit us here at C4KK and we (kids and adults alike) had a great time.  During their stay not only did the children have a grand time learning and playing but C4KK Benevolence continued helping our neighbors.

From our friend and fellow servant of Christ:

“I am glad we were able to help the lonely expectant mother. We were able to get her out of the hospital, hired a taxi to take her home and bought her some food, baby’s clothes & blanket, basin etc. She was very grateful saying that she saw God in all this. I am so glad someone gave. Thank you.”

baby from hospital

A young man was given crutches after having both legs broken and having surgery, he will now begin the process of moving around.  His family also received some basics of food and medicine.


A mom and her children were given bunk beds.  The children were sleeping on wood poles (no mattress) just off the ground while mom would sleep under it with a machete to ward off snakes.

Families were given food, children sent to school and clothed and much more.

Thank you so much for your support of the Benevolence fund and if you’d like to be a part of spreading the gospel through actions please visit our donation page where you can securely assist online.  Our goal is to have $1,000 in monthly donations, currently we are at $400.  Please prayerfully consider supporting this aspect of Saved By God’s Grace and Caring for Kenya’s Kids.

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