Are you ready for some honesty?  Well, I guess I mean are you ready to hear my honesty?

Walking through life oblivious to the pain and suffering around us can be easy.  Satan has his ways of skewing our perspective, twisting the truth, blinding our eyes and hardening our hearts.  Whether that is through busyness (busy….being under satan’s yoke), greed, pride or any number of devices we can go through life without noticing the desperation and needs of our neighbor.

Even living among those who are hurting, abused, starving, dying from lack of medical attention, treated as throw aways I can be blinded.  But thank God He doesn’t give up on me.  He continues to break my heart to what breaks His and not only opens my eyes but my heart as well, and that hurts.

Do I enjoy hearing and seeing the tragedies around me?  No, I get extremely frustrated hearing about corruption, lack of concern for our fellow human being, boastful preaching, and greed.  Many of those things I can do nothing except pray, but God allows me to be a part of a something bigger….eternity.

If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.  1 Corinthians 15:19

If my hope is simply for this life, getting what I want, walking over people to get that, selfishness, greed then I am to be pitied most of all.  But showing a suffering mom, who is scared of dying and wondering what will happen to her 2 year old, a glimpse of hope by helping her with medicine and food then perhaps she will see the eternal hope through Jesus Christ and that’s having hope in more than this life!


Thank you to everyone who lifts this ministry up to our Heavenly Father and to those who are giving sacrificially so the hope of Jesus Christ can be shown to God’s children.  If you’d like to be a part of this please consider a donation to the Benevolence Fund and thank you for your prayerful consideration.

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