Perhaps I should say “reasons” for not being on the internet lately….you want the long story or the short one?  Ha, you get the somewhat long version since you can always click away if you get bored!

We purchase bundle packages for our internet and whenever we buy a package we get half of the package amount to use free at night time, in addition to the actual package (i.e. we buy 8gb then we get an additional 4gb to use from 10pm to 10am for 2 weeks).  Now I tell you this because we recently ran out of internet and we were counting the days until we have a skype board meeting for Saved By God’s Grace and trying to figure when the free stuff would expire.  Unfortunately we were a couple of days early so we waited until today to buy internet.  Now our skype meeting will be using the free stuff (we meet at 5am our time so yeah it’s within that free time).

That’s the story I’m sticking with on why I didn’t post yesterday.  I did put internet on my phone but only a small amount in order to basically check Facebook and email, not to write an entire blog post.

Now that we have internet I can do a proper post 🙂

Where to start?  You may remember my last post stating the week had not been going well for me. We are still in the process of figuring things out with those stories but that initial shock has worn off and I am handling life a bit better now…thanks for the prayers!

We did have to head into Nairobi to pick up some feed supplies for the cows. Bosco went with us to help with the heavy lifting 😉 and we were able to get everything we needed.  On the way home we stopped at Capital Centre for lunch and tried out Mr. Wok (I saw a friend had eaten there so I wanted to try it out).  Chuck and I don’t get Chinese food very often so it was nice to have and this was Bosco’s first time eating Chinese!  He got kung pao chicken and enjoyed it, but I couldn’t get him to try the chopsticks.


Chuck found a baby kitten (eyes barely open) in the barn with the hay so he brought it to Splinter and she happily adopted her/him and began feeding her/him.  You can probably pick out the adoptee right away….the only jet black one in the bunch!  Now Splinter is mom to 5!


Our cows are being fashionable…they got their ears pierced today with their name tags.  This is Espresso getting her tag.


John, our day watchman, takes Max and George for a walk every day.  He walks them around the compound so they continue to know where their territory is.  I love seeing him handle the dogs so gently and seeing their attachment to him (and Daniel, our night watchman).


Much of our napier is growing out of control!  We thank God for this blessing though because we have enough for our cows and plenty to sell.


Last but not least the kids!  Government school teachers are on strike…again.  I won’t even mention what they are demanding, ok, maybe just one thing….asking for between 200%-300% pay raise with NO performance evaluations, typical.  Anyway, with this the kids are not in school and they need to be kept busy!  They do have some down time however.  Here you can see the new addition to the boys dorm (showers) and the extension of the veranda at the entrance of the home.  It is not quite complete but thank you FBC for your support on this project.

teachers-on-strike-january-(2) teachers-on-strike-january-(1)

So there you have it.  I also received some very exciting, special news but I’m not saying what…..just know it made me very happy and brightened my day!

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