With the recent meeting of Doctor’s Edward and Rafael we’ve learned much from them on the treatment of jiggers. They treat hundreds of people with this problem and do not charge for the service (yeah God!) therefore they’ve found the most economical solution for them….baking soda. Yup, plain ‘ole baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate as it’s called here). We asked them to put us in contact with the person they buy it from in bulk because you can buy it at the grocery store but it’s twice the price. This morning we got the call from Dr. Rafael telling us to come by his clinic and he’d put us in touch with “the guy” who they purchase bulk baking soda from. We thought why not just give us the name, but that’s not how it works in Kenya! We went to their clinic and Sophia (“the guy”) came out, got in the truck and proceeded to direct us to “the place”. It honestly felt like a drug deal or something, no names, no directions just the fact you know “the guy” who can get the stuff! She finally directed us to the main market in Luanda and her and Joseck got out of the truck and started walking down this alley.
We waited and waited and waited for their return. After around 45 minutes we see Joseck coming with a large burlap bag full of baking soda (14kg). Joseck told us Sophia took him to a man selling spices (no baking soda to be seen), the man asked Sophia how Joseck came to know of his selling of baking soda (Sophia told him the doctors recommended him because of the jigger treatments we are doing and he seemed satisfied with that) and told Joseck to stay at the street and he’d go get the baking soda….you see, it’s like a drug deal or something! The supplier did give Joseck his phone number and told him to call for his next order and he’d have it ready for him ahead of time, so he’s a decent drug dealer 😉
We then headed over to Okemi and Ruby’s where construction continued on the new toilet and shower, they received another jigger treatment, the compound was cleaned up and one of the fundi’s fixed Okemi’s chair.
Okemi and Ruby’s feet look so much better! They both said the pain is much less and are happy to be able to walk around. I asked Okemi if he still wants to go to the doctor and have his feet amputated to which he exclaimed loudly HAPANA (no)!! He says he’s strong and now glad to walk around. Ruby is talking and smiling and walking around, a huge difference from just a few days ago!
We are having a seat made in the toilet so Okemi and Ruby don’t have to squat down with their old knees. Both Okemi and Ruby have watched the construction and are very happy with what is happening.
While Chuck was spraying Ruby kept an eye on things.
Before leaving I caught Ruby fussing around in her kitchen/bedroom preparing a small snack of omena (sardines) for Okemi….I believe this makes her extremely happy to be up on her feet serving her husband.
Then tonight Chuck and Joseck picked up the monthly food for distribution in the Luanda Food Program. That will be happening tomorrow so you’ll see more on that tomorrow.
There you have today’s happenings. Thanks for checking in and keeping up to date. If you’d like to become partners with us please consider becoming a monthly donor. It’s easy simply by visiting our donation page and following the instructions there. God bless!