Many of the sad, sad situations we encounter here have become too familiar.  Our hearts break each and every time we are told and we must discern where and how God wants us to become involved.  Recently our friend, Agnes, told us of a little boy who was burned very badly.  He was taken to a hospital where they could not handle the situation and so transferred him to another hospital.  Unfortunately this little guy (4 years old) died due to his burns (his burial was this past weekend).  Through conversations with Agnes, who spoke with the nurses, they believe this was not accidental but an intentional form of discipline.

As I mentioned, these stories are all too familiar.  Last week we received another call from Agnes about a little girl (I’ll call her Beth, don’t want to publish her real name) who had been burned (again, they believe it was intentional by the neighbor).  The mother took Beth to a local clinic where they simply bandaged her burns with no other treatment.  When Agnes called us she said the mother would not be taking Beth for further treatment anywhere and Beth had a very high temperature.  Once we heard what was happening we immediately told Agnes to take Beth to our doctor, Max Okoth, at his hospital where C4KK Benevolence would pick up the bill.

Here’s Beth (with Agnes) with her bandaged burns.

burn-victim-2At Max’s hospital they first had to remove all the bandages, which were stuck to this precious girl.  They had to bring down her fever, re hydrate her and begin the wound care.


Today we got an update from Max and he says she is responding well to treatment.  She is still in the hospital because the skin is still very raw and open to infection.

This is another aspect of what C4KK Benevolence does here in Kenya.  If you would like to be a partner with us in providing help and hope please visit our donation page to set up your contribution.  Thank you to all who are already a part of this ministry, may you be blessed knowing the love of Jesus Christ is being shown to your neighbors.

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