My last post, basically pouring out my heart, has brought blessings through the thoughts and prayers of friends and family. I’m not saying all is well, but you certainly gave me encouragement to persevere.
I was also thankful for an afternoon with a friend for an outdoor lunch and great conversation, thanks Rosemary!
And most importantly God’s word (and devotional from Streams in the Desert) has pricked my heart.
Glorify ye the Lord in the fires. Isaiah 24:15
Notice the little word “in”! We are to honor the Lord in the trial–in the very thing that afflicts us. It is precisely there, in the heat of the fire, we are to glorify Him. We do this by exercising perfect faith in His goodness and love that has permitted this trial to come upon us.
So I will continue to thank Him and glorify His name for all He has done and continues to do and I “believe that out of the fire will arise something more worthy of praise to Him than had we never experienced it (trial).”
Would certainly appreciate your continued prayers for God’s will be done, His wisdom and guidance. Have a blessed Easter season as you celebrate the Risen Lord!