I pray you were able to share a meal and togetherness with family/friends over this Thanksgiving holiday. I had a wonderful time with family and am so thankful for each and everyone of them….and I’m looking forward to seeing our kids in Phoenix in just a couple of weeks!
As we celebrated we were also receiving pleas for assistance from our team members in Kenya. Here’s a bit of what Saved By God’s Grace has done over the past couple of days (as usual this is NOT a complete picture).

This newborn (along with mom and older children) slept on the floor, but Saved By God’s Grace provided them with a bed, mattress and blankets! No more sleeping on the cold, dirt floor.

“For the thirty five years that I have lived here on earth I have never seen such a huge shopping like the one I saw today. God bless the person who made it possible” – Eunice Wanjiru.

“The family said our visit was timely and of great blessing. I am so glad someone gave.” “Timely” means they were out of food so a loaf of bread is certainly a blessing for hungry little ones.
I pray everyone who gives to Saved By God’s Grace is blessed by these photos. You have helped feed a family when they were hungry, you have assisted in allowing them to sleep well on a bed (with mattress and blankets) and you have shown them the love of Jesus Christ through your financial support. Each family is told how very much God loves them and they are seeing His love through tangible acts of love.
Thank you for being a part of this ministry and please consider, if you aren’t already, becoming a financial partner with Saved By God’s Grace. You can go to our Donate Page for more information.