I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, but I know what I can do….James Kirk
Do you ever fell this way? I know I do. With the overwhelming needs here in Kenya it sometimes stops me in my tracks and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. But I do know what I can do for one grandmother, one child, one widow. We assist…one at a time. Fixing a roof, paying school fees, buying medicine, constructing a home and some of these are all on the same day!
Perhaps I do know what I’m supposed to do, love my neighbor as myself, but find it difficult to determine how that is supposed to look. That’s where one person at a time comes into play for me. I can see the joy on grandma’s face when she receives a new roof or the relief for mom when she receives some food for a meal or the pride when a child returns to school or the comfort when a family sleeps on a bed or the painless walking when jiggers are removed. Those are the “can do’s” of this ministry and with your assistance we help more and more individuals.
Thank you for being a part of this ministry.