It’s probably no secret to many of you that our time in the States is one of seeking, refreshing, learning, recharging, listening and soaking in time with friends and family.  I’m trying to figure out how to “do” ministry in a healthy, God glorifying, love your neighbor kind of way while maintaining my sanity.

I wrote that two years ago but never got it out in a blog post.  I feel the same way today as I did then and it bears repeating (at least to myself).  No matter how true and honest those feelings are it’s sometimes difficult for me to put them “out there”.  But to quote Dr. Seuss…”Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than You“.  So, I’m getting this post out 🙂

I’ve struggled, at the beginning of our time living in Kenya up to today, with trying to figure out how to live with the fact we can’t help every child from starving, every mother dying from AIDS, every student go to school, every grandmother feed her grandchildren, etc., etc., etc.  I know in my head it’s impossible yet how do I get my heart not to hurt for the ones we can’t help?  How do I turn that off, or do I turn it off?  I understand it in my head but when those images of our fellow neighbors in Kenya come to mind my heart breaks all over again.  That is one way I know God is continually working in and on my heart and soul….just where I want to be, in His Hand.

An article I read covers this and in it the writer says “Jesus didn’t follow the need.  He followed His assignment.”  Our “assignment” is to love our neighbors, to show them the saving message of Christ through our actions and to see each individual as that, an individual created by God.

On a recent bike ride we chatted with a gentleman and he basically reiterated this same sentiment….you can help the one person God has brought into your life.  While we are able to assist entire villages with clean water, it’s the grandmother who gets food, it’s the student who is allowed back to school, it’s the mother whose home is repaired, it’s the child who can walk again after being treated for jiggers….those are the reasons for our assignment.

This realization doesn’t take away the hurt of seeing people suffer, but it helps me maintain a healthy balance that I know only the Lord can give me and again it’s right where I want to be.

Saved By God’s Grace can’t do this alone and we ask if you can, please consider helping us as we continue sharing hope, love and peace to those suffering in Kenya.  Also, we are still in need of $3,000 to get all our kids back into school.  This is such a struggle since the government (and schools) increased the fees substantially this term.  Any amount you give for school will be applied to a child’s education.

Thank you and God bless.

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