Being a sponsor for one of our students means much more than assisting with their education….which is a huge blessing for the student!
Each student sees first hand the love of Christ through the sponsors financial sacrifice. We emphasize to the kids what they are receiving and that many in Kenya do not have the opportunity to complete primary and secondary schooling.
For the students contininug on with tertiary we’ve had many sponsors continue to assist, whether short term or long term, no amount is too small to help. Many of those students have gone on to become productive members of society and able to care for themselves.
On occasion we’ve needed to ask sponsors for help up and above educational needs. One such occurance happended when a student needed an eye exam and glasses. The sponsor was willing to help and here’s the letter of thanks the child sent to her sponsor.
Sometimes however our sponsors are unable to provide this additional assistance and that’s where our general fund comes in. Your donations, if not marked for a specific project, go into this fund where they can be put to use where the need is most prevalent.
Thank you for helping widows and orphans in Kenya through your financial contributions.