I’m not going to write much on this post because I feel the pictures tell the story.  This “child head of household” family has received some special gifts through your donations.  (You can see their story here and here).

A new home along with beds, bedding and some food have been furnished for them and by their smiles they look overjoyed.  Please remember to be thankful for the bed you sleep in (in Kenya many sleep on the floor) and the roof covering you (some sleep under roofs with holes, letting in rain or falling down around them).

I also ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with us enabling us to help more widows, orphans and elderly in Kenya.


These children were so happy. They told me they felt loved and cared for after a long time of neglect. Mungu asifiwe (praise God).

Before receiving assistance

After receiving a new home, food, beds and blankets.

Prayers and dedication of the house by a local pastor.

Inside the girls bedroom. Here we put the double bed and single bed in the boys room.

Bought a double and a single bed and mattresses for each bed

This is the living room

Their house from a distance. Will add more windows. The ones we had wasn’t enough. It’s a three roomed house.

Mungu asifiwe!!

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