The above picture doesn’t really go with this story but to me the sunset is a reminder that God is awesome in all ways great and small. If we rely on His strength through pain and suffering and His love through the blessings He is there, with us, at all times.
My prayer is He will be with this woman who was recently brought to our attention. Our brother Joseck in Kenya told us about her being burned by her ex. Thankfully the man has been arrested but “the woman is fighting for her life in a government hospital.“
Here’s what Joseck tells us is happening currently:
Is there a room we can help a family or two? There is this lady that was burnt by her ex. She is a mother of 5 children aged 17 and below. I have been visiting her to offer the little help I can. Today, she asked me to be her eyes and take care of her children especially one that is supposed to join form one (9th grade). And the rest with some food basics etc. I have been able to share some food and basics with them, but the challenge now is school fees, school uniforms, shoes, text and exercise books, etc.

Do we have room to help this family?
Can you help us be her eyes to take care of her children?
To help with these needs we’ll require around $2,000. If you can please visit our Donate page to give securely online and write “burn victim” in the comment section.
Honestly I can’t imagine what this woman is going through. Knowing there is no assistance for her or her children during her recovery, which is going to be painful, if she even survives.
Saved By God’s Grace uses the resources you give to help widows and orphans in situations such as this and we do what we can by God’s Grace and provision.
Be blessed my friends and keep your focus on our Mightly Provider and Sustainer!