As we enter the holiday season I can’t help but feel sad for my family and friends in Kenya. They, of course, don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but knowing the food that will be available this Thursday in most homes makes me ache for those in Kenya who will not eat – today or tomorrow and even into the following days.

My daughter handed out food boxes to families in need in our area this past week. What a gift of love and encouragement that is. Those families will have food for a couple of days. And it’s something to be thankful for here in the states – we have services that can help those who are without. In Kenya there are no social services, child welfare, food stamps or unemployment to help families get back on their own. They must either beg, ask their neighbor or go without food.

Please, this Thanksgiving, remember those who will be hungry as you sit at the table with friends and family. Your prayers are appreciated and remember funds are necessary in order to feed the children. If you feel the Lord is asking you to help financially please click here and you can donate online easily and securely.

The Lord never promised us an “easy life,” but living for Him makes life full of blessings and thanksgiving. Your sacrificial giving to this ministry is a blessing to those in Kenya who will eat, be clothed and loved.

Thank you and may you have a blessed holiday!

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