In less than a week we head out to Houston to visit our daughter, Tarrin and then it’s back to Michigan. We’ll be there for about 2 weeks before our flight back to Kenya on December 7.
We have been filling our days with friends and spending time with our kids before we head out and God has continually blessed us during those times.
Recently I was filling up on Starbucks ambiance….don’t be hatin’! But as I was sitting there working on various items a crowd gathered and began complaining about the fact Starbucks has cut down on baristas (from 2 to 1) and how that affects the wait for coffee. The woman next to me said she had left another Starbucks because of that….I told her I was from Kenya and was just thankful for the Starbucks, no matter how long the wait!
We then began chatting about how we tend to look at our life relatively and how God can use us wherever we are. Whether that be pushing us out of our comfort zone of hanging around only Christian friends and being a light to the lost or following Gods purpose to Kenya.
It might be scary, uncomfortable, counter-cultural to step out in faith but God will give you exactly what you need and the peace that comes with being obedient to the Creator far surpasses any worldly accolades or thanks you may receive this side of Heaven.