Yes I know it’s a few days after the 1st but honestly I forgot I had this post waiting to be posted :)…..

I’m not much for this new year stuff, it’s basically another day.  However, with all the talk of resolutions, goals and what-not it does make me think of what can I do better or differently.  Well honestly that list could be longer than my arm but my prayer has been and will continue to be that God’s will be done each and every day of my existence.  It’s the practical application of knowing and doing His will where I get into trouble.  I know in order to be an image of Christ I have to know who that image is and how He lives….read more scripture.  I know in order to love like my Savior loves I have to open up to His prompting to love those He brings into my life….read more scripture.  I know in order to forgive as my Lord forgives I have to accept His forgiveness for my weaknesses and lean on His strength….read more scripture.

I see a theme here….read more scripture.  Plus I know along with reading more scripture comes a deeper prayer life and that in turn allows getting to know my God in a more meaningful way.

So my new year’s resolution is in reality my daily resolution….know my God and my Savior through His word and live in accordance to His will and purpose for my life.

Praying for you as you enter into this new year and your relationship with God will become deeper and stronger day by day.

Chuck and Tammy

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