Here’s a few pictures of our hometown – Tala, Kenya. It reminds me of an old mining town – small shops, animals roaming around, people walking to the market.
We would stop everyday at a couple of shops – one to get cabbage, one to get milk, one to get bread. That was one thing I had to get used to was shopping for food everyday. Walking around the market though, you are able to talk with people, catch up on news or just sit with a friend for a bit while business is being done around you. And being two out of the only three wazungu (white people) at the time in Tala we pretty much stood out and a lot of people knew of us. That made meeting people a little easier as they wanted to meet the wazungu, so we could introduce ourselves and strike up a conversation (with the little English they knew and the little Swahili we knew).
There are fewer amenities in Tala, but the air is fresh, our family is there and God continually provided for our needs – daily! Just as He does today through your support (see our recent newsletter for an update).
Thank you to all our supporters who are moved to help Saved By God’s Grace in our mission and calling to take the gospel to Kenya.