
Some of you may be wondering how things are going at the children’s home.  Because of your support we can honestly say things are going well with the kids.  Normal stuff like eating three healthy meals a day, staying warm at night in a bed with a roof over their heads, going to school with adequate supplies, being taken to the doctor when necessary, doing chores around the home, and watching movies on the weekends.  They are receiving the love of a family and seeing how very much God loves them through that support.  Sounds pretty normal huh?  That’s how it should be.  Many of these children would not have this in their lives if it weren’t for your assistance, thank you (saying thank you doesn’t seem enough but know it comes from deep in my heart).

As we continue to raise these kids at C4KK we also see God opening up new avenues of helping and loving our neighbors.  One such ministry is the Benevolence fund.  Currently we’ve helped a few families (you can read about two of those stories here and here) and are praying for the support to continue helping even more families, like this one:

Grandma Margaret is taking care of her six grandchildren.  Her daughters are on drugs and glue.  When they get pregnant they come home, have their baby, leave the baby with grandma then go back to Nairobi.  She manages on a good day and by God’s grace to have one meal a day.



this is the latrine they currently use


A C4KK Community Outreach Team volunteer assesses the latrine for updates


The roof of the home has several holes in it. When asked what they do when it rains grandma Margaret replies “we huddle in a dry corner and sleep there”


this is the condition of many of the iron sheets which make up the roof of the home


The one meal for all seven of them (beans)


Grandma Margaret (she’s 65 and looks beautiful).

Please, and I feel as I’m almost begging because having Grandma Margaret’s situation on my mind I have tears in my eyes, consider becoming a monthly supporter of this Benevolence fund.  It’s easy, simply visit our secure, online donation site and choose “Benevolence Fund” from the allocation drop down box.

A pastor friend and C4KK Community Outreach Team member said recently he has never felt this much joy before.  Even with preaching at the pulpit he was blind but now he sees!  Praise God for His grace to move hearts for His Kingdom!

Please pray about how you can help families like grandma Margaret’s and be a part of “Your kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

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