We arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan around 10:30 am on Monday and had to set everything up for an 11:30 presentation. It wasn’t too rushed though because it was a luncheon and we basically sat around the table and swapped God stories. What an inspiration and encouragement to hear how God is working in their lives. It amazes me to think of how He does it – keeping all the details straight and moving the universe for His plan.
After lunch we visited with our wonderful host, Elizabeth and her two children. Chuck was Prince Charming and had to crawl into the Cinderella castle with Olivia and Caleb! Happily he didn’t get stuck inside and it was a joy to interact with kids – it’s been awhile for us with little ones.
After dinner Elizabeth and Chris had another couple over for dessert and we again talked about how God is working.
Hearing so many different testimonies during this trip has been a complete unexpected blessing. Lives are changing, young people are committing themselves to serving, couples are focusing on missionary work and God is being glorified in all these lives – Yeah God!