Doris Kathambi (Child Number MC124)














Doris was born on September 18, 1996 in Nairobi, Kenya and is now an orphan.  She has three sisters and one brother, but she doesn’t know where they live.  Her older brother brought her to Mercy Child Foundation. 

Her favorite color is pink and she enjoys playing netball (volleyball).  (They don’t have volleyballs or nets so they use garbage rolled up into a ball and hit that over either a barbed-wire fence or just between two people.)

In school she is currently in Class 6 (6th grade) and says Math is easy because she understands it, but Social Studies is difficult.  (Her English is very good because she helped me with the interviews.) 

At Mercy Child she helps with washing the dorms and washing clothes.  (To wash clothes they fill a bucket with water, use a bar of soap to scrub their clothes, then rinse them in another bucket.  Then the clothes are hung over a barbed-wire fence to dry.)

Doris is among several children who are ready for sponsorship.  To choose a child to sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship Gallery.

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